Managers of Managers Labs
Managers of Managers Labs
Successful leaders who believe in transparency and co-creation
Managing the motivation levels of the team during the period when the project is defining phase. The actual date of the project launch was unknown.
The project dates were not clear. Team was demotivated and directionless. High levels of stress – because he was not able to confirm the date of the project and was not sure how to engage the team without the project.
Leader communicated to the team very clearly that the date was not decided. However, how can the teamwork between now and the project launch to make sure that they were able to do the work without wasting time. The team decided to learn more about the project, technology and the business context. They made sure that each of them was certified as needed.
The project work started as soon as it launched since the team had prepared for it. Team was motivated and had a purpose to work towards. When the project started, they were able to start the work without going through the space of confusion. Ability to think long term and preparing the team before the project starts. Being transparent and sharing information with the team and cocreating the future along with the team.