Conversation Labs

Conversation Labs

Structured conversations and focused efforts by the team towards achieving common goal


    A spin off from a large organization, this start –up had dilemma of having to function as a start – up yet had the baggage from the past. The team needed to attract and retain talent to meet the growing the needs of the organization.


    The HR, Business and the recruitment team were working in silos instead of having focused conversations on attracting and retaining the talent.


    The SOL team facilitated a 3-hour Workshop to brainstorm and finalize the actions that will bring in changes in the Recruitment Strategy, Process and Action. The session kickstarted with a dream statement. This set the tone to think the macro and the big picture for the Recruitment Process. The groups came together and finalized the recruitment vision for the organization. They moved to putting a plan to action the Vision by identifying current positives, gaps and critical areas that needs immediate attention.


    The workshop helped the team to break the silos and have critical conversations to share their context, concerns, and perspectives. They had focused and structured conversations which helped them from break the silos and being one team with common purpose.

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